This past week was the midpoint for the fall semester. The first half has flown by so quickly! Hopefully the second half will follow suit ;)
A lot of things have happened over the past few weeks: Papa and Nana, Janean, and Elizabeth all came and stayed for various amounts of time, I got to go see WICKED and met two of the main characters, went to two Braves games in a week, cheered loudly at several of Adam's football games, and spent many hours with my nose in a text book.
And there are more things coming up in the next few months: Kayla and Drew come home, family vacation to the beach, lots more school, Presidential election (first to vote in) (yes, I know. I'm a nerd!) and many more hours with my nose in a text book!
For the first time in a long time, I got to take a nap! Today was the perfect day for a nap. I had the windows slightly opened and I could hear the rain outside. It was glorious!
I am looking forward to fall weather! The sweaters, the leaves changing and the weather being a bit cooler! Yay Fall!
"The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination." Don Williams - American Novelist and Poet 1968
All of You
"All of You, Is more than enough for, all of me
For every thirst and every need,
You satisfy me with Your love,
And all I have in you, is more than enough."
I find that the more I grow in my relationship with the Lord, the more I realize my complete dependence on Him and in Him. The more I get to know Him, His heart and will for my life, the more time I want to spend in His presence and I need more of Him. I love falling in love with the Lord and seeing and experiencing all the things He has for me! I serve an incredible God!
The past few weeks have been to full! I like it when there is always something to do. I like when I am busy. There's never a dull moment, that's for sure.
School is going great! I really am enjoying everything about school (except having to wake up so early :-/). It is great to go to a school where a handful of friends attend. It's a nice treat to randomly see them in the halls, in the library or walking around campus!
This semester I am working as a teacher's assistant with my Mom. I help monitor the sixth graders and help a little bit in the 1st and 2nd grade class. I love getting to see all the kids and be a part of their week! They are all so cute and so fun!
The past week has been filled with so many great moments! I got to go to sporting events three nights in a row! That was awesome! Got to make a surprise visit! Got the grades for a few tests that I had taken! I also got to spend a lot of quality time with the people I love the most! I am excited to see what God has in store for this upcoming week!
For every thirst and every need,
You satisfy me with Your love,
And all I have in you, is more than enough."
I find that the more I grow in my relationship with the Lord, the more I realize my complete dependence on Him and in Him. The more I get to know Him, His heart and will for my life, the more time I want to spend in His presence and I need more of Him. I love falling in love with the Lord and seeing and experiencing all the things He has for me! I serve an incredible God!
The past few weeks have been to full! I like it when there is always something to do. I like when I am busy. There's never a dull moment, that's for sure.
School is going great! I really am enjoying everything about school (except having to wake up so early :-/). It is great to go to a school where a handful of friends attend. It's a nice treat to randomly see them in the halls, in the library or walking around campus!
This semester I am working as a teacher's assistant with my Mom. I help monitor the sixth graders and help a little bit in the 1st and 2nd grade class. I love getting to see all the kids and be a part of their week! They are all so cute and so fun!
The past week has been filled with so many great moments! I got to go to sporting events three nights in a row! That was awesome! Got to make a surprise visit! Got the grades for a few tests that I had taken! I also got to spend a lot of quality time with the people I love the most! I am excited to see what God has in store for this upcoming week!
First Day of School
Today was the first day of school. My schedule went a little something like this:
900 - 955 Sociology: Intro to Marriage and Family
1000 - 1055 Intro to Sociology
1100 - 1155 English Composition
1200 - 1430 Long break!
1440 - 1555 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning
1600 Go Home!!!!
And that's my schedule for Monday and Wednesday. Except on Friday, I only have my three morning classes.
God has been so faithful and has provided for every thing! I was able to buy all my books (6 different books) for the whole semester for $204.90! That is awesome because some books alone cost $100 or more! Praise God for His provision!
More of an update coming soon!
900 - 955 Sociology: Intro to Marriage and Family
1000 - 1055 Intro to Sociology
1100 - 1155 English Composition
1200 - 1430 Long break!
1440 - 1555 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning
1600 Go Home!!!!
And that's my schedule for Monday and Wednesday. Except on Friday, I only have my three morning classes.
God has been so faithful and has provided for every thing! I was able to buy all my books (6 different books) for the whole semester for $204.90! That is awesome because some books alone cost $100 or more! Praise God for His provision!
More of an update coming soon!
Bullet Points
In bullet points are the activities of this past week!
- Watching Cole and Coen Cardelli this week. Which includes playing chase around the house, listening to silly boy jokes, swimming for 100 minutes and lots of apple juice.
- Being sick with a sinus infection. Not very fun at all! Taking lots of medicine, drinking lots of water and staying in bed! But I did get lots of sleep and I am starting to feel a lot better! Just a few more days and then I'll be 100% myself!
- David and Sarah Van Akkeren came and spent the week at our house! We met the Van Akkeren's in California and it was great to see them again and spend time with them!
- Noah turned 12 years old! We had a great time celebrating and watching him open presents! He's not taller than me...yet. But he will be soon! It's only a matter of time now!
For The Ladies
I stumbled across a website today and read this article and I thought that you'd enjoy reading this. What was so great about it was the bottom line of the article! I hope you enjoy reading this article!
Oh my gosh! It's already August! I don't know about you, but from where I stand, time has gone by so very fast! It seems like yesterday that I was packing up to move to DC. Now in two weeks I'll be starting school! Wow! I guess the saying, "Time flies when you are having fun" really is true! :)
I hope you all have been having a great summer and no matter how much time you have until school starts, I hope you enjoy it!
I hope you all have been having a great summer and no matter how much time you have until school starts, I hope you enjoy it!
Whirlyball: Part II
Whirlyball was canceled for me. So I didn't end up going. But I will explain this new game to you all as best I can.
Whirlyball is a combination of bumper cars and basketball, with a few twists. There are two teams on the court at once. You ride around a court in a bumper car and each player has a (as my brother put it) "plastic ball catcher/thrower" which is used to pass the ball around and shoot goals. On either end of the court there is a backboard with a 12 inch hole in the back. The team's goal is to make as many baskets/goals as possible in the 13 minutes of each round.
If you want to check it out, go here and see for yourself!
Maybe one day I'll play whirlyball for real! And then take pictures! And then you can see!
Whirlyball was canceled for me. So I didn't end up going. But I will explain this new game to you all as best I can.
Whirlyball is a combination of bumper cars and basketball, with a few twists. There are two teams on the court at once. You ride around a court in a bumper car and each player has a (as my brother put it) "plastic ball catcher/thrower" which is used to pass the ball around and shoot goals. On either end of the court there is a backboard with a 12 inch hole in the back. The team's goal is to make as many baskets/goals as possible in the 13 minutes of each round.
If you want to check it out, go here and see for yourself!
Maybe one day I'll play whirlyball for real! And then take pictures! And then you can see!
Tonight we are going with the Allen's to play whirlyball for Mr. Bill's birthday!
I have never played before, but I hear it is a ton of fun!
I'll let you know how it goes later!
Pictures to follow? Possibly.
I have never played before, but I hear it is a ton of fun!
I'll let you know how it goes later!
Pictures to follow? Possibly.
I am now home!
I had my commissioning ceremony on Thursday, May 1st. It was such a lovely evening and I was so honored to have my parents, my two brother and the Allen's attend!
The following 6 days was spent walking all over Washington, DC. We saw everything from the Capitol, to the Washington Monument, to the World War II Memorial to the Vietnam Memorial, to the National Art Gallery to the Smithsonian Castle! It was so great to be able to show my family the sites and sounds of the city I've been living in!
We also spent a day at Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington! As well as a day in Williamsburg, the colonial town! We really enjoyed spending time as a family and getting to do and see all these things!!
Since I've been home I've been helping around the house, helping mom with getting things ready for Day Camp and just enjoying being home with my family! It's also been so nice to be able to be near Paul and to spend time with him!
This past week I went to the TeenPact National Convention. I went there and was in charge of all the staff interviews. My job was to schedule, conduct and document all the interviews. I also had some of TP's interns help me with the interviews. I am looking forward to seeing the great staff that come out of these students!
But now I am home. Going to rest a little tomorrow. Also. Tomorrow is Paul and I's six month anniversary!! That's so exciting to me! I am so blessed by him and am looking forward to the next six months!
God bless,
I had my commissioning ceremony on Thursday, May 1st. It was such a lovely evening and I was so honored to have my parents, my two brother and the Allen's attend!
The following 6 days was spent walking all over Washington, DC. We saw everything from the Capitol, to the Washington Monument, to the World War II Memorial to the Vietnam Memorial, to the National Art Gallery to the Smithsonian Castle! It was so great to be able to show my family the sites and sounds of the city I've been living in!
We also spent a day at Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington! As well as a day in Williamsburg, the colonial town! We really enjoyed spending time as a family and getting to do and see all these things!!
Since I've been home I've been helping around the house, helping mom with getting things ready for Day Camp and just enjoying being home with my family! It's also been so nice to be able to be near Paul and to spend time with him!
This past week I went to the TeenPact National Convention. I went there and was in charge of all the staff interviews. My job was to schedule, conduct and document all the interviews. I also had some of TP's interns help me with the interviews. I am looking forward to seeing the great staff that come out of these students!
But now I am home. Going to rest a little tomorrow. Also. Tomorrow is Paul and I's six month anniversary!! That's so exciting to me! I am so blessed by him and am looking forward to the next six months!
God bless,
Two Fridays in a Row!
Last Friday was the 5th Annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast!
No. I am not Catholic, but I went because Mr. Morrison bought at table for the Fellows to attend the event. It was a great experience.
Here are a few highlights:
1). Waking up at 4:30 am to get to the hotel at 6:00 am.
2). [and the highlight of the morning] President George W. Bush was one of the speakers! It was incredible! He is so engaging with the audience and is a fantastic speaker!
Then today...I went to Borders and bought a book called "Read All About It" and then stood in a line for 3 hours. What is so special about this book? It was written by Laura and Jenna Bush. Why did I stand in a line for 3 hours? Well, Jenna and Mrs. Bush were at Borders signing the books! So I got to meet both of them! That was so cool!
So two Fridays in a row I got to see members of the Bush family! I like the Bush family! They are great!
Here are a few pictures!
No. I am not Catholic, but I went because Mr. Morrison bought at table for the Fellows to attend the event. It was a great experience.
Here are a few highlights:
1). Waking up at 4:30 am to get to the hotel at 6:00 am.
2). [and the highlight of the morning] President George W. Bush was one of the speakers! It was incredible! He is so engaging with the audience and is a fantastic speaker!
Then today...I went to Borders and bought a book called "Read All About It" and then stood in a line for 3 hours. What is so special about this book? It was written by Laura and Jenna Bush. Why did I stand in a line for 3 hours? Well, Jenna and Mrs. Bush were at Borders signing the books! So I got to meet both of them! That was so cool!
So two Fridays in a row I got to see members of the Bush family! I like the Bush family! They are great!
Here are a few pictures!

Left: The super cute and very personable Jenna Bush!
____ Days Till...
The Final Countdown...Not that I'm counting days or anything... ;)
2 Days till Sunday (church and which may include soccer, a nap, and a concert on the mall)
3 Days till my second to last class day.
4 Days till our trip up to Philadelphia!
5 Days till the last recording session.
6 Days till goodbye lunch with Bethanie and the Faith & Family Summit.
9 Days till we go sailing in Annapolis!!
10 Days till my last class day :(
11 Days till my last internship day and last day in the office.
12 Days till my last field study.
13 Days till I see my family and the Allen's! Till my commissioning ceremony!!
15 Days till I leave DC! And go stay with Liz and Sarah!!
18 Days till I catch a train!
19 Days till I arrive home and I get to see Paul!!
20 Days till Bible study at my house and Jae and I have a sleep over!
2 Days till Sunday (church and which may include soccer, a nap, and a concert on the mall)
3 Days till my second to last class day.
4 Days till our trip up to Philadelphia!
5 Days till the last recording session.
6 Days till goodbye lunch with Bethanie and the Faith & Family Summit.
9 Days till we go sailing in Annapolis!!
10 Days till my last class day :(
11 Days till my last internship day and last day in the office.
12 Days till my last field study.
13 Days till I see my family and the Allen's! Till my commissioning ceremony!!
15 Days till I leave DC! And go stay with Liz and Sarah!!
18 Days till I catch a train!
19 Days till I arrive home and I get to see Paul!!
20 Days till Bible study at my house and Jae and I have a sleep over!
Have you ever thought about what protects your heart?
It amazes me how movies, conversations with people, things we see outside and even lines from songs can get your mind reeling and how they can get you to think on a deeper than the surface level. A line from a song I was listening to this morning got me thinking about some things and I thought I'd share with you my thoughts.
"Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts? Just a cage of rib bones and some other various parts. So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess, And to stop the muscle that makes us confess."
What stood out to me was in the first line...''what protects your heart?" Of course we know the obvious answer to this, the technical medical answer. But let's look deeper. This question is like a 5-layered dip, you really have to dig into it to get all the good stuff!
- What is protecting your physical heart? "...just a cage of rib bones and some various parts..." We are all human and our physical hearts don't just take care of themselves. We have to exercise and eat the right types of food. Are you doing that? Are you actively working to see that your physical heart is in top shape and functioning at top notch? Are you taking the time to be sure your physical heart, the one that helps to keep you alive, is healthy?
- What is protecting your emotional heart? " ...the muscle that makes us easily confess..." Emotions are vital to human interaction. But when our emotions are the ones that guide us, help us see the world around us, determine if our day is a good one or a bad one or if they are what leads us to behave the way we do, then there's a problem. Are we constantly looking for praise, affirmation or acceptance of people to fill the emotional emptiness? Do we allow a negative word or look to make us depressed or bring us down? Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to be the protector of this area? Are we protecting our emotions under the promise that we were bought with a price and that we are redeemed children of the Most High? Or are we allowing our hearts to be protected by words and thoughts that are lies and cause us to not see ourselves through the eyes of Christ?
- What is protecting your spiritual heart? "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
What is protecting your spiritual heart? Are the things of this world; money, fame, success, position, status, possessions, etc.; to fill, satisfy and protect your heart? The earthly heart may be insured by earthly things, but does this spiritual heart have eternal insurance? Are we allowing the protective materials to be the blood of Jesus Christ? Are we letting Him fill ever empty space and satisfy every desire, every dream and every passion? Is He our joy in tough times? Is He our strength when we are weak? Through Him are we able to love unconditionally the person we can't stand to be around? What is protecting your spiritual heart?
All of these "hearts" are related, connected and work together. We have to know which heart is the most important and which one deserves the highest rung on the ladder of priorities. If we allow Christ to be the keeper of our spiritual heart and we let him be our heart's protector, then we have a 100% guarantee 'protection policy' through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the only one through whom we can have complete satisfaction.
Once the status of our spiritual heart is set in place, then our emotions will follow. They won't be the leading force behind our actions, motives and responses, Christ will.
"Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I Corinthians 6:19-20
Our bodies are God's temple. It is in this body that our physical heart resides. Therefore since we want to honor God and we want our 'temples' to bring glory to Him, we will work to ensure we take care of our body and our physical heart.
It all connects!
I wish I could say that I gave the right answer to these questions...but I'd be lying if I said that I did. This one line from a song made me stop and think about my heart's protection. Is my heart being truly protected? Am I doing my best to ensure it's protection?
"Have you ever thought about what protects your heart...?"
"Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts? Just a cage of rib bones and some other various parts. So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess, And to stop the muscle that makes us confess."
What stood out to me was in the first line...''what protects your heart?" Of course we know the obvious answer to this, the technical medical answer. But let's look deeper. This question is like a 5-layered dip, you really have to dig into it to get all the good stuff!
- What is protecting your physical heart? "...just a cage of rib bones and some various parts..." We are all human and our physical hearts don't just take care of themselves. We have to exercise and eat the right types of food. Are you doing that? Are you actively working to see that your physical heart is in top shape and functioning at top notch? Are you taking the time to be sure your physical heart, the one that helps to keep you alive, is healthy?
- What is protecting your emotional heart? " ...the muscle that makes us easily confess..." Emotions are vital to human interaction. But when our emotions are the ones that guide us, help us see the world around us, determine if our day is a good one or a bad one or if they are what leads us to behave the way we do, then there's a problem. Are we constantly looking for praise, affirmation or acceptance of people to fill the emotional emptiness? Do we allow a negative word or look to make us depressed or bring us down? Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to be the protector of this area? Are we protecting our emotions under the promise that we were bought with a price and that we are redeemed children of the Most High? Or are we allowing our hearts to be protected by words and thoughts that are lies and cause us to not see ourselves through the eyes of Christ?
- What is protecting your spiritual heart? "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
What is protecting your spiritual heart? Are the things of this world; money, fame, success, position, status, possessions, etc.; to fill, satisfy and protect your heart? The earthly heart may be insured by earthly things, but does this spiritual heart have eternal insurance? Are we allowing the protective materials to be the blood of Jesus Christ? Are we letting Him fill ever empty space and satisfy every desire, every dream and every passion? Is He our joy in tough times? Is He our strength when we are weak? Through Him are we able to love unconditionally the person we can't stand to be around? What is protecting your spiritual heart?
All of these "hearts" are related, connected and work together. We have to know which heart is the most important and which one deserves the highest rung on the ladder of priorities. If we allow Christ to be the keeper of our spiritual heart and we let him be our heart's protector, then we have a 100% guarantee 'protection policy' through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the only one through whom we can have complete satisfaction.
Once the status of our spiritual heart is set in place, then our emotions will follow. They won't be the leading force behind our actions, motives and responses, Christ will.
"Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body." I Corinthians 6:19-20
Our bodies are God's temple. It is in this body that our physical heart resides. Therefore since we want to honor God and we want our 'temples' to bring glory to Him, we will work to ensure we take care of our body and our physical heart.
It all connects!
I wish I could say that I gave the right answer to these questions...but I'd be lying if I said that I did. This one line from a song made me stop and think about my heart's protection. Is my heart being truly protected? Am I doing my best to ensure it's protection?
"Have you ever thought about what protects your heart...?"
animal crackers and sprite
(sorry it's taken so long, miss stephanie)
Today is March 15th. It has been in DC for 8 weeks (56 days) and I have 7 weeks (49 days) left to go. Some days go by really slowly and I wish I was back at home, but at other times, the days go by so fast and I'm loving what I am doing!!
Being in DC has been so great! I am learning a lot academically. I spend a lot of my time reading and studying, and most of what I have read, I like and find really interesting! I am getting to hear from a lot of brilliant speakers and have gotten to sit under some great minds who have helped to bring change and who have spoken out on issues that are important to the American family.
I have also been learning a lot while doing my internship. I am interning in the communications department and I work for Bethanie Swendsen, who is the radio show producer and the DC news correspondent for the radio show. Through this internship, I have had the opportunity to do a wide variety of things, from taking pictures at events, to doing some video work, to setting up meetings, to helping write PSAs, to helping in the studio. This past weekend was the National Religious Broadcasters Convention and Washington Watch Radio had a booth, so I got to travel to Nashville, TN for a few days to attend the conference and work in the booth! That was an awesome experience, getting to meet people from all over the world and learn about what they are doing was great!
Overall, things have been going swell! I have had so many blessings along the way:
Until next time,
P.S. my two new favorite things are animal crackers and sprite! hence the name of the post!
Pic: Elizabeth, me and Paul at the DC zoo! There wasn't much to see that day, but we did get to see the pandas, the elephants and a hippo. I don't know about the other two, but I was happy with that! And I was happy on this day because I got to spend the day with two of my favorite people , my best friend and boyfriend!
Picture at the top: a park bench that I pass on my way to work everyday.
Today is March 15th. It has been in DC for 8 weeks (56 days) and I have 7 weeks (49 days) left to go. Some days go by really slowly and I wish I was back at home, but at other times, the days go by so fast and I'm loving what I am doing!!
Being in DC has been so great! I am learning a lot academically. I spend a lot of my time reading and studying, and most of what I have read, I like and find really interesting! I am getting to hear from a lot of brilliant speakers and have gotten to sit under some great minds who have helped to bring change and who have spoken out on issues that are important to the American family.
I have also been learning a lot while doing my internship. I am interning in the communications department and I work for Bethanie Swendsen, who is the radio show producer and the DC news correspondent for the radio show. Through this internship, I have had the opportunity to do a wide variety of things, from taking pictures at events, to doing some video work, to setting up meetings, to helping write PSAs, to helping in the studio. This past weekend was the National Religious Broadcasters Convention and Washington Watch Radio had a booth, so I got to travel to Nashville, TN for a few days to attend the conference and work in the booth! That was an awesome experience, getting to meet people from all over the world and learn about what they are doing was great!
Overall, things have been going swell! I have had so many blessings along the way:
- I have been blessed with two of the coolest girls ever as roommates! We all get along so smoothly. Which is great because we are with each other 24/7. But we love hanging out together and going places and doing things together. We were just saying today that when it is time for us to leave, we are all going to be really sad...I'm trying not to think of that. :(
- My best friend lives only an hour and a half away from me!! I have been able to go and visit her and spend a few weekends at her house. That is a huge blessing because it is nice to be able to get out of the city and spend time with her!
- I got to go home for about 48 hours! I was able to drive down with some friends and see my family and spend a day with my mom! Being home and being with my family was so relaxing and refreshing! I definitely miss them!
- A very special person came up to DC for a few days to visit me! We walked all over DC and got to go to a few museums and hit up some of the sites that neither one of us had been to. It was nice to sit together with a cup of coffee and talk or just watch the people go by. :)
- I got to travel to Nashville for a few days! While I was there I got to spend an evening with my cousin Tiffany! She is such an awesome woman and most definitely a role model for me! She is so encouraging and such a blast to hang out with!
- I have had to learn to adjust to a new city where there is something going on at all hours and where the people don't really care about anyone other than themselves. As well as learning where everything is and how to get around the city whether it be by walking, the metro or a taxi.
- I've also had to learn to work with people who I don't necessarily agree with. And learn how to accept their differences and how to work around and with them.
- Being in an environment where everyone is at least a junior in college or has already graduated sets the academic bar pretty high. So in that sense, I have had to work hard to make sure I am meeting that expectation.
Until next time,
P.S. my two new favorite things are animal crackers and sprite! hence the name of the post!
Picture at the top: a park bench that I pass on my way to work everyday.
Right now I am sitting in my apartment with my two Washington, DC!
How did that happen? Let me rewind back to Tuesday.
I received a call from Mrs. Cocks telling me about the Witherspoon Fellowship (for more information go to She asked if I would be interested in attending. I said I wasn't sure. So she gave me the director's number to call and get all the information. I did. Mr. Morrison was incredibly enthusiastic and helpful. After the conversation, I realized that I would be interested in doing something like this and the thought that this could happen excited me. But it also scared me a bit!
So after talking it over, getting advice and perspective and praying a lot, I decide that this was a step I was going to take and I felt like this was the direction that the Lord was leading.
Wednesday: I made the call that had my final decision.
Thursday: I got the call back saying I was accepted. Got all the final details. Went and got all the things I would need.
Friday: Took care of last minute details. Had dinner with family and special friends. Midnight on Friday, got in the car and started out for DC.
Saturday: Found my apartment and unpacked and got settled. Went and stayed the night with my best friend!
Sunday: Had lunch with the Fredettes. Drove back up to DC. Met my roommates and some of the other interns. Had a cup of tea. And am now writing this.
I guess you could say that life over the past couple of days has gone by so fast! So fast in fact that I haven't even had time to tell people or to process the whole thing.
One thing is for sure, God has been so faithful and gracious. He has given me so much peace about moving and has provided every step of the way! My apartment is so close to everything. The location is great and I feel very safe. My roommates and I are getting along great! It has been amazing to see His hand at work.
It was a tough decision to make in only a little bit of time. But I know in the end that this is right where God wants me. I am excited about all I am going to get to learn and experience! I am a little nervous, but that's normal. Or so I'm told.
Just a couple of thanks you!
Mom and Dad: Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement and support! There is no way I could have done this without you! Thank you for driving me here, getting me settled and making sure I had all I need to be prepared! You two are amazing and I am so blessed to have you as parents! I feel prepared and ready because of you two!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Love you both so much!! (and Dad, I'll let you know about next weekend) ;)
Elizabeth: Thank you letting me scream and freak out to you! Thank you for letting me and my family stay at your apartment! Thank you for spending the day with me! Thank you for taking me back to DC. Thanks for being the most amazing best friend in the world!!
Paul: Thank you for being so supportive and for being a source of encouragement to me. I so appreciate your prayers and thank you for always helping me see the "advantages" in everything!
So that's the story! I am now living in DC and I will be here till May. If you are ever in DC...give me a call and we'll go do something!!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
How did that happen? Let me rewind back to Tuesday.
I received a call from Mrs. Cocks telling me about the Witherspoon Fellowship (for more information go to She asked if I would be interested in attending. I said I wasn't sure. So she gave me the director's number to call and get all the information. I did. Mr. Morrison was incredibly enthusiastic and helpful. After the conversation, I realized that I would be interested in doing something like this and the thought that this could happen excited me. But it also scared me a bit!
So after talking it over, getting advice and perspective and praying a lot, I decide that this was a step I was going to take and I felt like this was the direction that the Lord was leading.
Wednesday: I made the call that had my final decision.
Thursday: I got the call back saying I was accepted. Got all the final details. Went and got all the things I would need.
Friday: Took care of last minute details. Had dinner with family and special friends. Midnight on Friday, got in the car and started out for DC.
Saturday: Found my apartment and unpacked and got settled. Went and stayed the night with my best friend!
Sunday: Had lunch with the Fredettes. Drove back up to DC. Met my roommates and some of the other interns. Had a cup of tea. And am now writing this.
I guess you could say that life over the past couple of days has gone by so fast! So fast in fact that I haven't even had time to tell people or to process the whole thing.
One thing is for sure, God has been so faithful and gracious. He has given me so much peace about moving and has provided every step of the way! My apartment is so close to everything. The location is great and I feel very safe. My roommates and I are getting along great! It has been amazing to see His hand at work.
It was a tough decision to make in only a little bit of time. But I know in the end that this is right where God wants me. I am excited about all I am going to get to learn and experience! I am a little nervous, but that's normal. Or so I'm told.
Just a couple of thanks you!
Mom and Dad: Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement and support! There is no way I could have done this without you! Thank you for driving me here, getting me settled and making sure I had all I need to be prepared! You two are amazing and I am so blessed to have you as parents! I feel prepared and ready because of you two!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Love you both so much!! (and Dad, I'll let you know about next weekend) ;)
Elizabeth: Thank you letting me scream and freak out to you! Thank you for letting me and my family stay at your apartment! Thank you for spending the day with me! Thank you for taking me back to DC. Thanks for being the most amazing best friend in the world!!
Paul: Thank you for being so supportive and for being a source of encouragement to me. I so appreciate your prayers and thank you for always helping me see the "advantages" in everything!
So that's the story! I am now living in DC and I will be here till May. If you are ever in DC...give me a call and we'll go do something!!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
The "Bests" of 2007
:year in review:
best planet: the earth
best travel buddy: Bryn Piper!
best shopping buddy: Auntie CinDee and Mom
best blog: Miss Stephanie's
best person to jump in a nasty lake with: Haylee Linduff
best boss: The Cappy
best friends: those 5 girls and 8 guys that i traveled with...and Liz!
best cd: August Rush Soundtrack
best song to make fun of while secretly liking: The Pirate's Song (I like to sing and dance...)
best book: My Hands Came Away Red by: Lisa McKay
best new state: Colorado
best new city: Columbus
best month(s): April, August and September
best new movies: Bourne Ultimatum and Ocean's Thirteen
best old movie(s): White Christmas, She's The Man and Italian Job
best tv show: The Office and So You Think You Can Dance
best coffee drink: iced cafe americano
best non coffee: drink: earl grey tea
best starbucks locations: Gainesville :)
best tea: earl grey and joy
best surprise: Mom and Dad going to SA to see Kayla and a surprise that someone special gave me in the parking lot of a certain starbucks :)
best new word: Chilax (ok so it might have been around a while. but it's new to me)
best new clothes color: purple
best vacation: Florida trip with the intern team!
best activity: Watching Reba with the family.
best day: December 3rd.
best wedding: The Fredette's Wedding
best dance: Kayla's audition piece
best couple: me and Paul
best ethnic food: Lebanese food. (thank you, elijah!)
best class: HI, GAIII, and LA
best concert: Nickel's Farewell Tour in Atlanta.
best guy: Paul :) my brothers and Dad
best girl(s): Kayla and Mom
best road trip: going to New Mexico with Liz and Jared for Trina and Andre's wedding!
best longest road trip: Driving to Colorado Springs from Kansas City! yikes!
best shoes: Converse high-tops
best airport: Atlanta
best host home: The Cocks' house
best college football team: The Hawaii Warriors!!
thanks for all the great memories, guys and gals!!
looking forward to 2008 and all the fun new "bests" that it holds!
So long 2007...Hello 2008!
p.s. thanks Katie!
best planet: the earth
best travel buddy: Bryn Piper!
best shopping buddy: Auntie CinDee and Mom
best blog: Miss Stephanie's
best person to jump in a nasty lake with: Haylee Linduff
best boss: The Cappy
best friends: those 5 girls and 8 guys that i traveled with...and Liz!
best cd: August Rush Soundtrack
best song to make fun of while secretly liking: The Pirate's Song (I like to sing and dance...)
best book: My Hands Came Away Red by: Lisa McKay
best new state: Colorado
best new city: Columbus
best month(s): April, August and September
best new movies: Bourne Ultimatum and Ocean's Thirteen
best old movie(s): White Christmas, She's The Man and Italian Job
best tv show: The Office and So You Think You Can Dance
best coffee drink: iced cafe americano
best non coffee: drink: earl grey tea
best starbucks locations: Gainesville :)
best tea: earl grey and joy
best surprise: Mom and Dad going to SA to see Kayla and a surprise that someone special gave me in the parking lot of a certain starbucks :)
best new word: Chilax (ok so it might have been around a while. but it's new to me)
best new clothes color: purple
best vacation: Florida trip with the intern team!
best activity: Watching Reba with the family.
best day: December 3rd.
best wedding: The Fredette's Wedding
best dance: Kayla's audition piece
best couple: me and Paul
best ethnic food: Lebanese food. (thank you, elijah!)
best class: HI, GAIII, and LA
best concert: Nickel's Farewell Tour in Atlanta.
best guy: Paul :) my brothers and Dad
best girl(s): Kayla and Mom
best road trip: going to New Mexico with Liz and Jared for Trina and Andre's wedding!
best longest road trip: Driving to Colorado Springs from Kansas City! yikes!
best shoes: Converse high-tops
best airport: Atlanta
best host home: The Cocks' house
best college football team: The Hawaii Warriors!!
thanks for all the great memories, guys and gals!!
looking forward to 2008 and all the fun new "bests" that it holds!
So long 2007...Hello 2008!
p.s. thanks Katie!
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