
Right now I am sitting in my apartment with my two roommates...in Washington, DC!

How did that happen? Let me rewind back to Tuesday.

I received a call from Mrs. Cocks telling me about the Witherspoon Fellowship (for more information go to www.witherspoonfellowship.org). She asked if I would be interested in attending. I said I wasn't sure. So she gave me the director's number to call and get all the information. I did. Mr. Morrison was incredibly enthusiastic and helpful. After the conversation, I realized that I would be interested in doing something like this and the thought that this could happen excited me. But it also scared me a bit!

So after talking it over, getting advice and perspective and praying a lot, I decide that this was a step I was going to take and I felt like this was the direction that the Lord was leading.

Wednesday: I made the call that had my final decision.

Thursday: I got the call back saying I was accepted. Got all the final details. Went and got all the things I would need.

Friday: Took care of last minute details. Had dinner with family and special friends. Midnight on Friday, got in the car and started out for DC.

Saturday: Found my apartment and unpacked and got settled. Went and stayed the night with my best friend!

Sunday: Had lunch with the Fredettes. Drove back up to DC. Met my roommates and some of the other interns. Had a cup of tea. And am now writing this.

I guess you could say that life over the past couple of days has gone by so fast! So fast in fact that I haven't even had time to tell people or to process the whole thing.

One thing is for sure, God has been so faithful and gracious. He has given me so much peace about moving and has provided every step of the way! My apartment is so close to everything. The location is great and I feel very safe. My roommates and I are getting along great! It has been amazing to see His hand at work.

It was a tough decision to make in only a little bit of time. But I know in the end that this is right where God wants me. I am excited about all I am going to get to learn and experience! I am a little nervous, but that's normal. Or so I'm told.

Just a couple of thanks you!

Mom and Dad: Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement and support! There is no way I could have done this without you! Thank you for driving me here, getting me settled and making sure I had all I need to be prepared! You two are amazing and I am so blessed to have you as parents! I feel prepared and ready because of you two!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Love you both so much!! (and Dad, I'll let you know about next weekend) ;)

Elizabeth: Thank you letting me scream and freak out to you! Thank you for letting me and my family stay at your apartment! Thank you for spending the day with me! Thank you for taking me back to DC. Thanks for being the most amazing best friend in the world!!

Paul: Thank you for being so supportive and for being a source of encouragement to me. I so appreciate your prayers and thank you for always helping me see the "advantages" in everything!

So that's the story! I am now living in DC and I will be here till May. If you are ever in DC...give me a call and we'll go do something!!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


The "Bests" of 2007

:year in review:

best planet: the earth
best travel buddy: Bryn Piper!
best shopping buddy: Auntie CinDee and Mom
best blog: Miss Stephanie's
best person to jump in a nasty lake with: Haylee Linduff
best boss: The Cappy
best friends: those 5 girls and 8 guys that i traveled with...and Liz!
best cd: August Rush Soundtrack
best song to make fun of while secretly liking: The Pirate's Song (I like to sing and dance...)
best book: My Hands Came Away Red by: Lisa McKay
best new state: Colorado
best new city: Columbus
best month(s): April, August and September
best new movies: Bourne Ultimatum and Ocean's Thirteen
best old movie(s): White Christmas, She's The Man and Italian Job
best tv show: The Office and So You Think You Can Dance
best coffee drink: iced cafe americano
best non coffee: drink: earl grey tea
best starbucks locations: Gainesville :)
best tea: earl grey and joy
best surprise: Mom and Dad going to SA to see Kayla and a surprise that someone special gave me in the parking lot of a certain starbucks :)
best new word: Chilax (ok so it might have been around a while. but it's new to me)
best new clothes color: purple
best vacation: Florida trip with the intern team!
best activity: Watching Reba with the family.
best day: December 3rd.
best wedding: The Fredette's Wedding
best dance: Kayla's audition piece
best couple: me and Paul
best ethnic food: Lebanese food. (thank you, elijah!)
best class: HI, GAIII, and LA
best concert: Nickel's Farewell Tour in Atlanta.
best guy: Paul :) my brothers and Dad
best girl(s): Kayla and Mom
best road trip: going to New Mexico with Liz and Jared for Trina and Andre's wedding!
best longest road trip: Driving to Colorado Springs from Kansas City! yikes!
best shoes: Converse high-tops
best airport: Atlanta
best host home: The Cocks' house
best college football team: The Hawaii Warriors!!

thanks for all the great memories, guys and gals!!

looking forward to 2008 and all the fun new "bests" that it holds!
So long 2007...Hello 2008!

p.s. thanks Katie!