This semester is almost over! The finish line is in sight! This semester has been my most challenging so far. Half of my classes are at night and the other half are in the morning. Being as school til 10 at night then having to be back 11 hours later can be a drag. But it's almost over!
I am totally counting down the days and assignments for each class!
Statistics: 3 more days of class left. No assignments.
Multi-Cultural Education: 2 more classes. Discussion project. Final Project due.
Algebra: 2 more class days. 1 more test.
Environmental Science: 3 class days. 3 article papers to turn in. Community Service project due.
Education Psychology: 2 class days. 1 more test.
Environmental Science Lab: 1 day of class = Field Trip!
Yoga: 1 class left! Turn in final.
This is what I have to do between now and a week from today! Then classes will be over...but then it's on to finals week! That's a whole other ball of wax!