Hilton Head!
We are taking a family vacation in Hilton Head! It's been great so far! The "We" included my family (mom, dad, me, adam, noah and riley), my nana, the Allens, the Enos family (aunty cindee, uncle shawn, maya, hunter and madison) and Ariana. So 14 people in all! It sounds like a lot, but I think, the more, the merrier!
We are staying in a beach house and it is a 30 second walk to the beach. When I stand outside the house, I can hear the waves crashing on the beach. It's great! I love that sound.
Today was wonderful. Miss Kim and I had our devotions on the beach this morning (a-mazing!). Then we all had breakfast. Everyone changed and we went down to the beach to look for sea shells and sand dollars. We were unsuccessful, but we still had fun playing in the sand.
After lunch, we went back and had a great success in finding sand dollars! We found 103 of them! Everyone was so excited. We also found 7 starfishes. They were all named. We had Stella, Ruffy, Mary, Tom, Jerry, Elijah, Seven and Pizza. We also caught 2 hermit crab and they were named Jolly Old Saint Nicolas and Mary the 2nd. It was so much fun!
I am looking forward to lots more sun, sand and family time tomorrow!
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