
Peachtree Road Race 2011

On Monday, July 4, 2011, I walked/jogged with about 60,000 other people to complete my first Peachtree Road Race. The PRR is a 10k that begins in Buckhead, runs through midtown and ends in Piedmont Park. After the race, my feet and legs were so sore and I felt exhausted. But simultaneously, I felt exhilarated! I pushed myself to keep going and I accomplished my goal (to finish)!

After the race and in the days that have followed, I have done some thinking about running. I am not a runner. I don't look like a runner and I don't have the stamina of a runner. However, I know that this can change. I feel like I did a great job on Monday, considering this was my first race in about 10 years and that I am not a "runner." But I know that I can push myself to become better.

My goal is to train and work hard to become a "runner." No so that I can run a 10k in under 30 minutes,* but so that I can push myself physically to another level. I want to be able to have the physical strength and stamina to be able to jog/run longer distances than I am today. I have a year to do it and I plan on pushing so that I can run the whole Peachtree race next year!

My plan is to follow the Run Your Butt Off plan laid out in the book. Starting on Monday, July 11, I'll start the 12 week plan to becoming a runner. I am not looking to become a fast runner, just someone who has the stamina to run.

The Plan: The RYBO plan is a 12 week plan moves people from being walkers to being runners. Each workout is 30 minutes long and it gives direction to slowly increase running time and decrease walking time.

Week 1: Walk for 30 minutes four times a week. I am walking on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The way my schedule is right now, these are the days that work best for me.

Please feel free to join the journey with me!


1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I am so blessed that God used this race to inspire you darlin'... Run Kiana Run. God has a race just for you & your gifts.