
Sometimes...It's Hard

It is easy to...
Love people who return my love, Treat people kindly who do so to me, Open up to someone, who opens up to me, Forgive those who forgive me, Go the extra mile for someone who goes it for me, and Understand people who understand me.

When all of these things happen, it's so easy to see people as Christ sees them.

But when people...Don't return the love I give, Don't treat me kindly, When they won't open up to me, Don't forgive me, Won't go the extra mile, and Can't show me any understanding,
it is so hard to see them as Christ sees them!

God never said it would be easy to love people. But He did command us to Love! When we love like Christ does, means our love is accepting, affectionate, caring, compassionate, considerate, shows empathy, has forbearance, forgiveness, friendship, generosity, gentleness, interdependence, kindness, patience, sharing, sympathy, thoughtfulness, tolerance, and unselfishness.

Lord, help me to love the way you do!

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